Extensive Exterior Design Renovation – Including Front Facade, Hardscape, Landscape, Paint Color Scheme, Lighting & Stone Materials.
Video Below – Large Tree Planting Day with Mega Crane
General Contractor – Your Style Landscaping, Inc. Carlos Perez
Exterior Renovation - Stunning Results...
Curb Appeal Perfection
Beautifully Finished Project
The finished project from the street.
Before & After Exterior Renovation
The before shot shows the need to upgrade exterior to the level of the surrounding homes. Clients were extremely happy with the beautiful results achieved.
Exterior Plans in Coto de Caza CA
Design plan page from HOA approvals drawings
Curb Appeal Perfection
Low hardscape curved walls for planters with finished home in background
Details of Front Iron Doors
New Facade Ledgerstone and Color Scheme & Lighting
Detail of Wall Sconces
Fine Arts makes some of the most stunning exterior lighting which we used throughout this project.
Grass Grid Parking Pads
Grass grid parking pads w/ Olsen Paving Stones.
Newly planted beds
Garages Flank Front Iron Doors
Flanking garages and parking pads on either side of front door
Hardscape Planters at Curb
Front Curb Low Wall Curved Planters w/ several months of growth
Curb Stepping Stones
Newly planted stepping stones, create a nice order at the curb.
Post Light Pilaster Hardscape Walls
Ledgerstone pilaster walls with Fine Arts post light at edge of driveway to street.